Age of wonders planetfall how to split armies
Age of wonders planetfall how to split armies

age of wonders planetfall how to split armies

Autonom mostly give sentries which are fragile but have all round overwatch and decent damage if they get an attack in. Overall the flowering node is one of the better random quest rewards. Quests can also give the occasional budding and flowering node with the first being a decent summoner/tank while the second is a free artillery. The hunter bees are decent air units with armor reduction on attack and again can use regeneration spores to support units near them. Growth gives worker bees which are decent early medics especially with regeneration spores but they are fragile and lack a good offence.

age of wonders planetfall how to split armies

Rarely quests will give the spacer copter which is rather weak for an air unit. They also create a +25% damage buffing unit on death which can combine with assembly or celestian revive after battle. The trucks are ok in that they are tough and have a single action point ranged attack that does decent damage making them good flankers and filler units until you have better stuff. Spacers give trash melee units usually which are melee cannon fodder. Generic quest rewards tend to give T1/T2 units until very late game where you need to clear quest armies of 2-3T3s and a T4 for a T3 unit. You only seem to get T3 units from golden landmarks which usually mean you need a few T3 units of your own. Alpha hopperhound has cleaving attacks and ravenasaurs are decent brawlers. The silicon crystalic had a decent chain lightning attack if your faction has the arc tech tree.

age of wonders planetfall how to split armies

Most quest/spawner/landmark reward units are trash tier but they can be useful for outnumbering enemy forces early on or clearing marauder armies. If you are running low on energy it means you either do not have enough colonies or your population is too low. If you have a surplus of TIII/IV weapons an army of heroes can tear things apart. There are also faction/secret tech skills that also boost the whole army. They are always good to lead an army for the +10% damage skill and are all round tougher and more damaging than a regular unit especially with the 4th mod slot. What you do with heroes depends what armaments and vehicles you have unlocked for them.

Age of wonders planetfall how to split armies